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Ethnomedicinal Plants of Nilagiri and Hadagarh Forest Ranges of Odisha

Usha Devi, Mukesh Kumar, Himanshu Dwivedi, Aminuddin and Hakimudin Khan

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine April - June 2015, Vol. 10 No. 2, Pages 75-84


Ethnobotanical field study was carried out to collect first-hand information on folk medicinal uses of plants by the rural and tribal people of Nilagiri forest range of district Balasore and Hadagarh forest range of district Keonjhar of Odisha state during August-September, 2014. A total of 32 ethnomedicinal plants species belonging to 31 genera and 23 families are reported. These are being used by local inhabitant to cure various ailments such as worms, asthma, body ache, boils, burn, constipation, cuts/wounds, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, eczema, fever, headache indigestion, joint pain, leucorrhoea, rickets, scabies, snake-bite, spermatorrhoea, sprain, stomachache, toothache etc. The information on traditional and folk medicinal plants were collected through interviews of knowledgeable rural and tribal people and local traditional healers ‘Vaidyas’. Folk medicinal plants are provided with botanical name, their family, local names, Unani name (if any), part(s) used, recipe and mode of administration in respect to different diseases and conditions. Scientific validation of all such folk medicinal species in the context of their curative properties/claims is re-stressed.

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