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The Mizaj (Temperament) Patterns versus Somatotypes- Concordance or Coincidence

Ghazala Mulla, Jalis Ahmed, Farhan Qureshi, Sufiyan Ghawte, Kalpana Joshi and Tejas Shah

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine January – March 2017, Vol. 12 No. 1, Pages 47-56


One of the well accepted classifications of human population is based on race. Race refers to a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. It is a social concept, by which human beings identify and distinguish themselves from other groups. The term race was initially confined to groups of people speaking common language. By 17th Century race referred to physical (Phonotypical) traits. In Unani System of Medicine, ancient physicians had identified ten comprehensive features of the human body and termed them as Ajnas-e-Ashrah. Based on these features they classified human being into four categories who have different Mizaj (temperament) viz, Damwi, Balghami, Safrawi, and Saudawi. American psychologist William Sheldon (1898-1977) has also classified human beings into three types of personalities and termed them somatotypes. Sheldon’s somatotypes are based only on physical characteristics or physique. He has expressed them numerically and named them as ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. Sheldon’s body types can be assessed by ten

anthropometric measurements.

Present study has been conducted to explore the Mizaj types and somatotypes of the same subjects and to find out any relationship between these two methodologies and further to point out whether this relationship is merely a coincidence or has any statistical correlation?

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