Safety Study of ‘Qurs-e-Ziyabetus’–A Unani Pharmacopoeial Compound Formulation
Bushra Abrar, Sayeed Ahmad, B.D. Khan and Ghufran Ahmad
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine January – March 2017, Vol. 12 No. 1, Pages 75-82
Plant drugs used in traditional medicines are liable to be contaminated with toxic substances. Plants are prone to be contaminated with them during the agricultural practices and thereafter and could lead to poisoning, besides side effects like depression, memory, loss of sensation and chronic renal failure etc. Contamination of herbal products is a public health issue of global significance and the use of these products may be a risk for toxicity of heavy metals and other toxicants. Therefore, safety studies of the herbal drugs are now mandatory as per WHO guidelines. It includes Aflatoxin determination, Heavy metal analysis, Pesticidal residue evaluation, and Microbial load determination. Although drugs under the Indian System of Medicine (ISM) are required to be manufactured in hygienic environment following the GMP norms after quality assurance of the raw materials still the products are tested for the toxicant mentioned above in order to ensure their safety and efficacy. Therefore, in present
study, the powder of Qurs-e-Ziyabetus was studied on safety parameters.
The test drug (QZ) showed that all the safety parameters were found within the permissible limits as per WHO guidelines; hence we can say that our test drug Qurs-e-Ziyabetus (QZ) is quite safe and does not contain the toxic materials.