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Role of Risk Factors in Development of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Review

Mohd. Sajid, Mohammad Shakir, Mohammad Arshad Jamal, Shabir A. Parray and Bilal Ahmad

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine July - September 2016, Vol. 11 No. 3, Pages 119-130


In the present era although many remarkable achievements have been accomplished in medical sciences but still there are a number of diseases that have insufficient proof of their actual causative agents. The term “risk factor” is used to postulate the causative agent of such diseases. Diabetes Mellitus is one of them, where several risk factors both genetic and acquired have been suggested and a number of scientific studies have been conducted to verify them. In the following review paper, risk factors for Diabetes mellitus have been evaluated in the light of different scientific studies. Awareness among the people about these risk factors and their willingness to embrace corrective measures may help reduce the burden of diabetes.

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