Pharmacognostic Studies on Leaf Drugs - Bibliographic Review
Nitin Rai and *Rajeev Kr. Sharma
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine January – March 2017, Vol. 12 No. 1, Pages 157-196
Pharmacognostic studies on herbal drugs contribute diagnostic characteristics for the identification and authentication of drugs. This review communicate the bibliography on Indian publications (pharmacopoeia, monographs, books etc.) pertaining to pharmacognostic profiles of leaf drugs. This review is presented in bibliographic format to cite the references on pharmacognosy of leaf drugs. These bibliographic references are important for developing quality standards, drug standardization, monographs etc. Bibliographies are important tool of published literature on any aspect of past and present status of knowledge on a specified subject. These are considered the key to initiate research in any field and provide lead towards further work
in a defined field.