Medicinal Plants Used for Wound Healing by the Kani Tribe of Kanniyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
K. Venkatesan*, R. Murugeswaran, S. Jameeluddin Ahmed and Aminuddin
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine January - March 2013, Vol. 8 No. 1, Pages 129-141
Wounds are physical injuries that result in an opening or break of the skin. Present paper deals with the herbal remedies used for wound healing among Kani tribes in Kanniyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. The paper is based on the outcome of ethnobotanical survey carried out among the Kani tribe of Kanniyakumari district, Tamil Nadu. As a result of survey trips 33 plant species were collected which are widely used for wound healing. The documented medicinal plants are used for wound healings either single or in combination with other drugs. The plants recorded from the study area are arranged alphabetically by botanical name, family, voucher specimen no., Unani name, local name, part used and mode of application. Pharmacological activities of plants from published literature have also been given. Scientific validation of such folk drug plants species is suggested that may form the basis for their use as alternative treatment.