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Ethnomedicinal Uses of Plants by Malayali Tribal Community in Kolli Hills of Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu

R. Murugeswaran, K. Venkatesan, Jameeluddin Ahmed and Aminuddin

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine October - December 2013, Vol. 8 No. 4, Pages 137-148


An ethno-pharmacological survey was carried out in 2012 to document the status and uses of the folk medicinal plants of Kollihills and adjacent areas of Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu. The information on folk medicinal plants and their uses for treating various ailments have been gathered from the Malayali tribal people, inhabitant of Kolli hills and adjacent areas are presented. The study mainly focused on the wild plants used by the tribal and local peoples to cure various ailments. The Kollihills is mainly occupied by the tribal community called Malayalis. The present study provides information on 41plant species belonging to 37 genera and 26 families used by the Malayali tribal community of Kollimalai or Kolli hills and adjacent areas of Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu. Moreover the knowledge on the folklore uses of the medicinal plants used by the Malayali tribes may provide lead for the discovery of new drugs of plant origin.

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