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Antibacterial and Pharmaco- poeial Studies of Itrifal Usthukhuddus Formulation

Rampratap Meena, P. Meera Devi Sri, D.Ramasamy, S. Mageswari, Syed Jameeluddin Ahmed, Pawan Kumar and Shamshad Ahmed Khan

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine October - December 2012, Vol. 7 No. 4, Pages 31-39


Unani formulation Itrifal Usthukhuddus was prepared in laboratory scale as per the guidelines of NFUM (part I) in three batches and was tested against the gram negative eight isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The efficacy of drug over the test organisms was studied using the cup plate method. The study revealed the inhibition capacity of the prepared drug on all tested organism irrespective of the strain variation. The activity of the drug was expressed in terms of zone of inhibition and exhibited the MIC value as 6.25mg/ml for most of the organism. The antibacterial study is also supported with the developed pharmacopoeial data and quality control parameters like microbial content, heavy metals, aflatoxin and pesticidial residues laid down by the WHO in usage of traditional medicine.

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