Post of Professor, Reader and Analytical Chemists in NIUM Bengaluru
Advertisement No. 04/2019
2-Professor, 2-Reader , 1-Analytical chemist
PG Degree in Unani
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF UNANI MEDICINE Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore – 560 091
Salary (₹)
Important Dates
Walk-in-Interview on 09/10/2019 10:30 hours

About the job
Walk in Interview
Interested candidates are invited to appear for walk in interview on 9 /10 /2019 at 10.30 hours at Institute campus for the post of Professor, Reader and Analytical Chemists purely on short term contract basis.
Professor - Mahiyatul Amraz &Amraze Jild-wa-Tazyeeniyat (1 each), consolidated salary of ₹ 75,000 /- per month
Essential Qualification:
1. Post Graduate Degree in Unani Medicine in the concerned subject/allied subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.
2. 5 years of teaching experience as Reader/ Associate Professor in the concerned subject/allied Subject or 5 years Research Experience in PB-III ( 15,600 – 39,100) with GP 7,600/- with NPA.
15 years combined experience in teaching in the concerned/allied subject as Reader/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer or 15 years research experience in the pay scale of PB-III ( 15,600 –39,100) with GP of 7,600/-, 6,600/- and 5,400/- with NPA respectively out of which minimum 2 years in the pay scale of PB-III ( 15,600– 39,100/-) with GP 7,600/- with NPA. 3. Minimum five research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
Age: Not exceeding 55 years (Relaxation as per Govt. of India rules).
Reader – Mahiyatul Amraz & Amraze Jild-wa-Tazyeeniyat (1 each), consolidated salary of ₹ 65,000 /- per month
Essential Qualification:
1. Post Graduate Degree in Unani Medicine in the concerned subject/Allied subject recognized under IMCC Act, 1970.
2. 5 years teaching experience in the concerned subject/allied Subject or 5 years Research experience in PB-III ( 15,600 – 39,100) with GP 6,600/- with NPA.
10 years combined experience in teaching as Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the concerned subject/allied Subject or 10 years research experience in PB-III ( 15,600 – 39,100/-) with GP 6,600/- and GP of 5,400/- respectively with NPA. 3. Minimum three research publications indexed in index medicus or National Journals.
Age: Not exceeding 50 years (Relaxation as per Govt. of India rules)
Note: Allied Subject for:
1. Mahiyatual Amraz - Moalajat or Kulliyat Tib
2. Amraz Jild wa Tazyeeniyat -Moalajat
Analytical chemist -01, consolidated salary of ₹ 25,000 /- per month
Qualification: in Analytical chemistry/Applied chemistry/Bio-chemistry/Chemistry.
Age: Not exceeding 40 years. Terms & Condition:
1. The post is purely a contract one and the candidate does not hold any right for permanent post.
2. The contract may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.
3. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the Walk in Interview.
4. Candidate should be ready to join immediately.
5. Retired person having requisite qualification & experience in the concerned pay scale below 65 years of age may also appear.
Interested and eligible candidates may appear for walk in interview along with the photo copies of the documents in support of their eligibility with one passport size photo (original certificates may be produced for verification of photo copies of the documents).
PG Degree in Unani
About us
Unani Medicine World is the dedicated platform of holistic medicine and has been involved in empowering the patients and community to understand their bodies and discover the gentle power of the healing arts.
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