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Therapeutic Evaluation of Habb-E-Suranjan In Hyperuricemia

Ehsan Rauf*, M.Mohsin, Tabassum Latafat

American Journal of Pharmtech Research


The concept of hyperuricemia has not been described at all in Unani system of medicine, but description of a joint disorder known as Niqris, has been found in most of the classical Unani texts. The clinical features of Niqris very much resemble with the Gout as described in Allopathy, which occurs due to hyperuricemia. In practice, hyperuricemia is frequently defined as a serum urate levels exceeding of 7mg/dl (0.42 mmol/l) in adult males and 6 mg/dl (0.36 mmol/l) in adult females. However, this arbitrary definition of Hyperuricemia has been justified by epidemiological studies showing that those with SUA levels greater than 7mg/dl are at increased risk of developing gouty arthritis and urolithiasis. Hyperuricemia is fairly common, with a prevalence ranging between 2.3 to 41.4 percent in various populations. A variety of factors appear to be associated with higher serum urate concenterations. The present study was conducted on 50 patients of Primary Hyperuricemia attending the OPD of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College and Hospital. During the study it was observed that the mean serum uric acid level, which was 8.6±1.1before the beginning of the study got reduced to 6.6±1.3 at the end of the study. As we applied paired “t” test to the observations recorded before and after treatment it was found that t=12.6, p<0.001 suggesting the effect of drug in lowering the elevated serum uric acid level in patients of hyperuricemia is highly significant.

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