Last date to apply extended upto 31/08/2020
AMU AKTC : Associate Professor and Assistant Professor post 2020
Advertisement No. 2/2020 (T) Dated: 11.06.2020
रिक्त पद
Associate Professor: 2 (Moalajat-IBT and Kulliyat)
Assistant Professor: 4 (Dept. of A. Jild + A. Niswan + Tashreehul Badan and Munafeul Aza + Ilmul Jarahat)
Desirable: MD and Experience (See detail notification)
AMU Aligarh, UP, 202002
वेतन (₹)
महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ
Last date: extended upto 31/08/2020

नौकरी के बारे में
Advertisement No. 2/2020 (T) Dated: 11.06.2020
Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following Teaching Posts including PWD vacancies for recruitment of persons by 30.07.2020.
The number and nature of the posts may vary at the time of Interview. Higher initial start may be given to the candidates possessing exceptional qualifications and experience. It is not obligatory on the part of the University to call for Interview every candidate who possesses the essential qualifications and no representation in this regard will be entertained from any candidate.
Pay Band:
Associate Professor : AL-13 (Pay Range: Rs. 1,31,400-2,17,100)
Assistant Professor : AL-10 (Pay Range: Rs. 57,700-1,82,400)
1. Associate Professor (Moalijat), Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer (01)
2. Associate Professor, Department of Kulliyat (01)
(i) A Bachelor degree in Unani Medicine from a University as recognized under the Act.
(ii) A Post-graduate degree in the subject or speciality concerned included in the Schedules to the Act.
(i) Post-graduate teaching experience in the respective discipline.
(ii) Original published papers or books on the concerned subject.
(iii) Good knowledge of Arabic or Persian and English.
Teaching experience of five years in concerned subject or total five years research experience in regular service in Research Councils of Central Government or State Government or Union territory or University or National Institutions with not less than three papers published in journal.
Provision for allied subjects: In absence of the candidate of post-graduate qualification in the subject concerned as mentioned in column (2) of the table, the candidate of post- graduate qualification in the allied subjects as mentioned in column (3) of the table, shall
be considered eligible for the post of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, Reader or Associate Professor and Professor:
S.No. - Subject - Allied Subject
1. Tashreehul Badan:- Ilmul Jarahat or Kulliyate Tib
2. Munafeul Aza:- Kulliyate Tib
3. Saidla:- Ilmul Advia
4. Mahiyatul Amraz:- Moalijat or Kulliyate Tib
5. Ilaj bit Tadbeer:- Moalijat or Tahafuzi wa Samaji Tib
6. Amraze Jild:- Moalijat
7. Amraz-e Uzn, Anf, Halaq wa Asnan:- Ilmul Jarahat or Moalijat
8. Amraze Ain:- Ilmul Jarahat or Moalijat
9. Ilmul Atfal:- Moalijat or Aqabalat wa Amraze Niswan
The applicable Note 1 to 5 as indicated in the PG Regulations under Clause 19 of the Gazette of India notification No. 11-77/2016-Unani (PG Regl.) dated 07.11.2016 shall also apply:
Note 1: The provision of allied subjects may be allowed for five years from the date of publication of these regulations.
Note 2: The teacher(s) who had been considered eligible in the past on the basis of the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Education) Regulations, 1979 and the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-graduate Unani Education) Regulations, 2007, shall not be considered ineligible after publication of these regulations.
Note 3: Teachers who are working in recognized Unani medical colleges and appointed prior to year 2007 shall be eligible for appointment or promotion for post of Professor, Reader and Lecturer in the respective discipline without post-graduate qualification.
Note 4: For appointment or promotion to the post of Professor and Reader in the respective disciplines, the non-postgraduate Lecturer and Reader shall have minimum thirteen years, and eight years of teaching experience respectively. Provided that this provision shall continue for five years from the date of publication of this notification in official Gazette.
Note 5: The research experience of regular Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) holder may be considered equivalent to one-year teaching experience.
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Amraz-e-Jild-wa-Zohrawiya (01)
4. Assistant Professor, Department of Amraz-e-Niswan-wa-Atfal (01)
5. Assistant Professor, Department of Tashreeh-wa-Munafeul Aza (01)
(i) A Bachelor degree in Unani Medicine from a University as recognized under the Act.
(ii) A Post-graduate degree in the subject or speciality concerned included in the Schedules to the Act.
(i) Post-graduate teaching experience in the respective discipline.
(ii) Original published papers or books on the concerned subject.
(iii) Good knowledge of Arabic or Persian and English.
For the post of Assistant Professor or Lecturer at the time of first appointment, the age shall not exceed forty-five years and no teaching or research experience is required.
Provision for allied subjects: In absence of the candidate of post-graduate qualification in the subject concerned as mentioned in column (2) of the table, the candidate of post- graduate qualification in the allied subjects as mentioned in column (3) of the table, shall be considered eligible for the post of Lecturer or Assistant Professor, Reader or Associate Professor and Professor:
The applicable Note 1 to 5 as indicated in the PG Regulations under Clause 19 of the Gazette of India notification No. 11-77/2016-Unani (PG Regl.) dated 07.11.2016 shall also apply:
Note 1: The provision of allied subjects may be allowed for five years from the date of publication of these regulations.
Note 2: The teacher(s) who had been considered eligible in the past on the basis of the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-Graduate Education) Regulations, 1979 and the Indian Medicine Central Council (Post-graduate Unani Education) Regulations, 2007, shall not be considered ineligible after publication of these regulations.
Note 3: Teachers who are working in recognized Unani medical colleges and appointed prior to year 2007 shall be eligible for appointment or promotion for post of Professor,Reader and Lecturer in the respective discipline without post-graduate qualification.
Note 4: For appointment or promotion to the post of Professor and Reader in the respective disciplines, the non-postgraduate Lecturer and Reader shall have minimum thirteen years, and eight years of teaching experience respectively. Provided that this provision shall continue for five years from the date of publication of this notification in official Gazette.
Note 5: The research experience of regular Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) holder may be considered equivalent to one-year teaching experience.
6. Assistant Professor (General Surgery), Department of Jarahat (A.K. Tibiya College) (01)
A postgraduate qualification MD/MS in the concerned subject and as per the TEQ Regulation.
Three years Junior Resident in a recognized medical college in the concerned subject and one year as Senior Resident in the concerned subject in a recognized medical college.
Desirable: MD and Experience (See detail notification)
हमारे बारे में
यूनानी मेडिसिन वर्ल्ड समग्र चिकित्सा का समर्पित मंच है और रोगियों और समुदाय को उनके शरीर को समझने और उपचार कला की कोमल शक्ति की खोज करने के लिए सशक्त बनाने में शामिल रहा है।
इस पृष्ठ पर प्रदर्शित भर्ती जानकारी नौकरी प्रदाता से प्राप्त की जाती है।
अस्वीकरण: हालांकि भर्ती के संबंध में सही जानकारी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हर एहतियाती उपाय किए गए थे it is को हर बार आधिकारिक जानकारी के साथ मिलान करने का अनुरोध किया जाता है। यूनानी मेडिसिन वर्ल्ड किसी भी स्थिति में किसी भी नुकसान के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं होगा।