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Standardization and Phytochemical Screening of a Unani Compound Formulation UNIM 041 (Mushil Drug) along with Modern Analytical Technique

N M A Rasheed, M V N Kumar Talluri, R K Negi, M H Kazmi, M A Waheed and S Arfin

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine April – June 2017, Vol. 12 No. 2, Pages 37-50


Herbal medicine has seen quite phenomenal growth in the recent years. India has a wealth of flora with hundreds of plants possessing medicinal or curative properties. Despite this wealth, India has a small share in medicinal plants trade in the world market. This dismal condition is attributable to several factors including non-identification of bio-active molecules, lack of uniformity in extraction and formulation processes, quality control, standardization of drugs etc. There is a great need for the standardization of drugs, development of standard operating procedures and scientifically validated analytical methods to provide evidence. The current formulation under study UNIM 041 is a Unani compound drug (Mushil) prescribed to the patients by the Unani Physicians in order to prepare the waste products for excretion which occurs by the expelling process and to bring the body in equilibrium. There are different types of Munzij and Mushil drugs which are administered to the patients depending on the humour involved in that particular disorder for the patient of the bars (vitiligo). Therefore,

UNIM 041 has been taken up in this study to carry out standardization.

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