Pharmacopoeial Standardization of Unani Formulation Majoone-e-Lana
D. Ramasamy, S. Mageswari, P. Meera Devi Sri, Rampratap Meena, Shamsul Arfin, Aminuddin N. Zaheer Ahmed and Syed Jameeluddin Ahmed
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine April - June 2015, Vol. 10 No. 2, Pages 129-140
Standardization of herbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality, purity, safety, and efficacy of drugs based on the analysis of their active properties. Testing of herbal preparations using scientific methodologies will add to quality and authenticity of the product. This articlereports standardization parameters for Unani formulation Majoon-e- Lana used traditionally in the treatment of Muqawwi-e-Asab (nerve strengthening), Zof-e- Asab (neurasthenia), Falij (hemiplegia), Laqwa (facial paralysis), Rasha (tremor, trembling), Waj-ul-Mafasil (arthralgia) and Sara (epilepsy). Majoon-e-Lana is one of the Unani poly herbal formulations was prepared with the combination of twenty one ingredients as per National Formulary of Unani Medicine, and it was standardized by organoleptic characterization, physicochemical testing, thin layer chromatography/high performance thin layer chromatography, microbial load, heavy metal analysis, aflatoxins and pesticidal residues profiling employing a standard methodology. The physico-chemical data and TLC/HPTLC finger print analysis evolved can be adopted for laying down the pharmacopoeial standards for Majoon-e-Lana. All three different batch samples were found to be safe when tested for the heavy metal contamination, microbial load, aflatoxins and pesticide residues. Results of the experiments conducted provided diagnostic characteristics to identify and standardize the formulation prepared using ingredients of Majoon-e-Lana.