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An Account of Some Plants and Unani Drugs Cited in the Texts of Islamic Scriptures (Holy Quran and Ahadith)

Ashfaq Ahmad, Ala Narayana and Wasim Ahmad

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine July - September 2012, Vol. 7 No. 3, Pages 1-24


An important period in the history of science is the Arabian period. The Arabs inherited the Greek culture and Greek scientific thought. After the advent of Islam, Unani System of Medicine got enriched also by imbibing what was mentioned in the Holy Quran and Ahadith. (Ahadith: plural of Hadith, the traditions relating to the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

The Quran however, is not a book of science but a book of ‘signs’ Ayats. There are over six thousand verses in The Holy Quran of which more than a thousand deals with science. However some of the incredible, scientifically substantiated discoveries regarding the medical sciences derived from these scriptures. There are innumerable scientific facts present in the Holy Quran and Hadith and need attention for follow up investigation.

Many branches of Medical Sciences can be studied from Holy Quran and Ahadith, for example, Manafeul-Aza (Physiology), Ilmul-Janeen (Embryology), Moalejat (Therapeutics), Hifzane-Sehat (Preventive and Social medicine), Ilmun-Nafs (Psychiatry), Ilmul-Advia (Pharmacology).

Main emphasis is given in this article on Ilmul-Advia (Pharmacology). Therefore some drugs of the Unani Materia Medica described in the texts of Holy Quran and Ahadith have been discussed in this article. Only authentic Ahadith confirmed by reputed scholars are referred to make the paper more genuine, in this regard translation of main texts from Holy Quran and Ahadith also have been quoted.


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